
BayAreaChesslogoOur JFS Chess Champs did it again!!!!

JFS kids competed in 12th Susan Polgar Foundation National Open Tournament and won
several  trophies  under individuals, teams and clubs.

JFS Team ( Ritwin Narra, Ashwit Mathur, Saharsh Kamma & Diya Kapoor) won
1st place under  K-6 (u 800) Teams.

Ritwin Narra got 4th place under K-6 (u800) individuals by winning 4.5 out of 5 games.

Ashwit Mathur got 18th place under K-6 (u800)  individuals by winning 3 out of 5 games.

BAC Club (Ritwin Narra, Ashwit Mathur, Saharsh Kamma & Diya Kapoor) won
1st Place under K-6 (u800) Club.

BAC Club (Rhea Narra) won 2nd place under K-2 (u500) Club.

More info can be found

2017 CalChess State Scholastic Tournament

This year our students got the first chess trophy for JFS!!

JFS students participated in one of the biggest chess tournaments with 1200+ players, held
at Santa Clara Convention Center.

Saharsh Kamma got 6th place under K-6 (u500) individuals by winning 4 out of 5 games.
Ritwin Narra got 12th place under K-6 (u500) individuals by winning 4 out of 5 games.
Ashwit Mathur got 21st place under K-6 JV(500-799) individuals by winning 3 out of 5 games.
JFS Beginners Team (Saharsh Kamma, Ritwin Narra, Rhea Narra, Max Larnerd)
won 3rd place under K-6 (u500)
JFS Rookie Team (Arjun Monie, Michael Gonikberg, Diya Kapoor, Darsh Gottam, Ryan Ngo,
Anuhya Gottam) won 6th place under K-6 Rookie

BAC Club (Ashwit Mathur) won 1st Place under K-6 JV(500-799) Club

BAC Club (Ritwin Narra) won 2nd place under K-6 (u500) Club

More info can be found