The Jaguar Bee: 2nd Annual JFS Spelling Bee (Kindergarten to 6th)
Dear Parents,
The JFS PTA and the Jaguar Bee Organizing Committee are very pleased to announce the 2nd annual JFS spelling bee: THE JAGUAR BEE!
All JFS students from kindergarten through 6th grade are invited to participate. The Jaguar Bee winners (3 students) will have a chance to represent JFS at the regional and national levels of the Scripps National Spelling Bee (https://spellingbee.com).
This is a very special year, as the Scripps National Spelling Bee is celebrating its 100th anniversary!
Register for the Jaguar Bee today!
- Registration Dates: Thu 11/14/2024 through Fri 11/22/2024
- Registration Fee: $10 per participant
- Grades: Kindergarten through 6th Grade
- Registration Link: https://forms.gle/cQSZ3bKuA2415Ztq8
- We will accept late registrations through Fri 11/29/2024, but note that the study word lists for the Qualifying Round will be shared with registered participants as early as the close of regular registration on Fri 11/22/2024.
Important Jaguar Bee Dates
- Qualifying Round (written test in Multi-Purpose Room): Wed 12/11/2024 2:30-4pm
- Finals (on stage in Multi-Purpose Room): Wed 1/15/2025 5-7:30pm
Please join us for an optional online informational session!
- Date: Wed 11/20/2024 at 7-7:30pm
- Meeting Link: https://meet.google.com/xqp-rajp-pjp (or join by phone: (515) 726-3218, PIN: 680294102)
We look forward to a great event. For any questions, please reach out to the Jaguar Bee Organizing Committee at spelling.bee@jfspta.org.
Jaguar Bee Organizing Committee